WYSIWYGPRO 3.x COPYRIGHT AND LICENSING INFORMATION WysiwygPro is NOT open source software. WysiwygPro is NOT shareware. WysiwygPro is NOT Freeware. WysiwygPro is licensed under the terms of the WysiwygPro license. If you purchased WysiwygPro then you will have received a copy of the license. If you are not a WysiwygPro license holder and you have received this software as part of a larger application or website then you DO NOT have permission to use this software outside of that larger application or website and you are not entitled to support from wysiwygpro.com. Use, modification or distribution of this software by non-license holders is a violation of copyright law. WYSIWYGPRO 3.x CREDITS WysiwygPro includes the following script libraries and resources under an agreement with their copyright owners or under the terms of their respective license. All 3rd party libraries can be used as part of wysiwygPro in a commercial context. COOLjsTree Professional Copyright: CoolDev.Com. License: Commercial Your rights: You may not use this code outside of WysiwygPro without purchasing your own license. DOMIT! Copyright: John Heinstein. License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) Your rights: This package is included as a linked library under the terms of the LGPL license. You are free to use, modify and distribute this software under the terms of the LGPL license. Please see core/libs/domit/license.txt Draggable IFrame Copyright: Matt Kruse, JavascriptToolbox.com License: BSD Style Your rights: Please download your own copy from http://www.JavascriptToolbox.com/ as the copy included with WysiwygPro is heavily modified. Emoticons Copyright: Bruce Corkhill, WebWizGuide.com License: The animated emoticons provided with WysiwygPro are included under an agreement with the copyright holder, Bruce Corkhill and WebWizGuide.com. Purchasing a WysiwygPro license allows you to use the animated emoticons as part of the WysiwygPro editor component. Emoticons may not be used, copied or redistributed outside of the WysiwygPro product, without explicit permission from Bruce Corkhill. GetID3 Copyright: http://www.getid3.org License: Commercial (GPL License also available) Your rights: Download your copy from http://www.getid3.org IconExperience Icon Collection Copyright: INCORS GmbH License: Commercial Your rights: You may not use these icons outside of WysiwygPro without purchasing your own license. JW FLV Media Player Copyright: JEROENWIJERING.COM License: Commercial (Creative Commons License also available) Your rights: Download your copy from http://www.jeroenwijering.com Xajax Copyright: Jared White & J. Max Wilson License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) Your rights: This package is included as a linked library under the terms of the LGPL license. You are free to use, modify and distribute this software under the terms of the LGPL license.