Completing the iTop installation for workflow management


In order to operate properly, iTop maintenance operations and asynchronous tasks must be executed on a regular basis. In order to ease the installation, all the background tasks have been grouped to be launched from a single file: webservices/cron.php

The following features require the activation of cron.php

For more information about cron.php, check the iTop Wiki

Scheduling cron.php on Windows

  1. Edit the file <itop root>/webservices/cron.params to set the credentials used for cronified tasks (requires administator privileges)
  2. Edit the file <itop root>/webservices/cron.cmd, and set the relevant path for your installation of PHP. If you care about security, it is recommended to change also the path to the parameters file <itop root>/webservices/cron.params and move this file to a place where its content is not served by the web server.
  3. Schedule the execution of cron.cmd:
    schtasks.exe /create /tn "iTop CRON" /sc minute /mo 1 /tr "\"<itop root>/webservices/cron.cmd\""

Scheduling cron.php on Linux/Unix

  1. Edit the file <itop root>/webservices/cron.params to set the credentials used for cronified tasks (requires administator privileges)
  2. If you care about security: move the file <itop root>/webservices/cron.params into a directory not in the scope of the web server (Apache), and make it be readable only by the account that will execute the cron
  3. Edit the crontab and add the following line:
    * * * * * /usr/bin/php <itop root>/webservices/cron.php --param_file=<itop root>/webservices/cron.params